Digital Scrapbook Layout Template 2

SKU: DST002 Category: Tag:


This file contains a 12 x 12in digital scrapbook layout template. The file is a Photoshop layered file that can be used as the basis for your digital scrapbooking page.

The page can be used as a stand alone page or as a double page layout with digital scrapbook layout template 1.

The template includes places for photos, papers, colours and titles but these are only suggestions for your use. You can manipulate each layer as you like. Trying different options can make your page really stand out. Other templates you might find on the web also mark places for you to put design elements, however I prefer to leave  that for you to decide.

Knowing how to use clipping masks to add your photos and papers is necessary, except in Affinity Photo where it is as simple as dragging the photo or paper in place.

Use this template used over and over again with very different outcomes. You can also rotate the page 90, 180 or 270 degrees for a fresh look.

Programs that use .psd files

The template is a .psd files which can be used in any program that uses .psd files. They include

  • Adobe Photoshop – a program with a monthly / annual subscription
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements – a program with a one time payment
  • Affinity Photo – a program with a one time payment and my favourite alternative to Photoshop
  • Photopea – a free online program where you can create your pages online and download them as jpg files.
  • Gimp – a free open source software

Free Design Assets

Chantahlia Design is full of free digital papers, design elements and alphas you can use to complete your layouts. Everything on Chantahlia Design is based on the same 36 colours which are mixed and matched and can be found here. There are also themed sets with can be found here. The themed sets can also have other elements and alphas combined with them.